Sync CLAAS-generated yield and grain moisture maps seamlessly.
CLAAS is a family business founded in 1913 and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery. The company is the European market leader for combine harvesters. and the global market leader for self-propelled forage harvesters. CLAAS also holds the top spots in global agricultural technology with its tractors as well as its agricultural balers and grassland harvesting machines.

Connections Matter

How do we connect?

The connection between CLAAS TELEMATICS and Climate FieldView™ is seamless. Simply log Log in to your FieldView account. Select Settings in the top right corner of the screen and choose Account from the dropdown menu. Follow the steps described in the Integration Guide.

What data is shared?

FieldView customers using CLAAS TELEMATICS can now access CLAAS-generated yield and grain moisture maps

What is the value?

With this connectivity, yield values and yield maps from a CLAAS combine harvester can be used in FieldView to generate site-specific planting prescriptions or fertilizer maps for the coming season -- helping farmers increase their profitability, actively manage risk and save valuable time by gathering data and conducting analysis all in one place.