Build Prescriptions
Find the ideal rate in minutes

Create tailored prescriptions to optimize seeding rates, fertility and crop protection.

Get the most out of every input

Discover how precise prescriptions for seed, crop protection, and fertility can boost yield and optimize resource use.

Adjustable Scripts

Create and customize prescriptions tailored to your goals, ensuring they align with your expectations and field needs.

Automated Rates

FieldView™ seed scripts can find the ideal rate for your field using data from over a million test plots. 

Fertility Prescription Tools

Generate precise fertility scripts for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and lime, tailored to your field’s unique needs.

Crop Protection Plans

Use field data to create targeted herbicide, fungicide and insecticide applications.

Enhanced Scripting

Optimize every acre with Enhanced Scripts—customized seed prescriptions designed to boost yield and maximize field performance.

Easy Exporting

Convert your script into one of the many different file types to upload or send wirelessly. 

Smarter scripting for every acre

No matter what you plant or spray, get the most value out of your limited resources.

Easy information gathering and sharing

FieldView helps you easily collect, store, and visualize field data — recording every pass throughout the season. You can also upload data seamlessly from flash drives or other systems.

FieldView Drive 2.0

The FieldView Drive is easy to install, works with most equipment, and connects to your iPad® via Bluetooth® to collect data.

Share Critical Information

Share your operation, a farm, or single fields with your agronomist for easy, informed insights and recommendations.

Real farmers, real results

Farmers from all over the globe continue to see tangible results. Watch how these farmers have harvested success with the help of FieldView.

Explore more

Unlock the full potential of your farm with FieldView's comprehensive suite of capabilities.

Explore Solutions

Gather Information

Get a clear view of your farm's performance with FieldView: monitor crop progress in real-time and share data with your agronomist to optimize your operation.

Scout Fields

Find out what's happening across every acre with high definition, detailed imagery.

Analyze Data

Use FieldView to compare any field, input or practice with a few taps and analyze yield results in color-coded, easy-to-understand maps and charts.

Increase your farm productivity today!
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