
The ProfitLayers™ tool combines harvest, seeding, tillage and application data to create 8-meter zones of revenues and costs, across your field. Add in other costs such as insurance, field passes, labor, and more for accuracy. Use ProfitLayers™ in your planning for the next growing season, record-keeping, or as a snapshot of your profits and costs for any season.

How do we connect?

Connection with Ag-Analytics is a quick one-time process, and is detailed in our integration guide.

What data is shared?

Integrating your FieldView account with ProfitLayers from Ag-Analytics will automatically sync your precision ag data. You will see harvest, seeding, and application data layers, along with other costs, allowing you to create a map of location-based revenues and costs.

What is the value?

By integrating your data, you have access to your farm’s information in one place. View costs, harvest revenues, and your ProfitLayers all in one seamless interface. Once your ProfitLayers map is generated, you can easily look for points of success and points of improvement and share them with your agronomic advisor. Don’t forget to take advantage of other tools from Ag-Analytics, like FarmScope, which provides planting schedules, soil data, weather predictions, and more, all in one user-friendly application.