From Field to Market: Keep Track of Every Bushel with Combyne
Let’s dive deeper into Combyne and learn more about how it works together with FieldView™ to help growers with the revenue side of running a farm.
Key takeaways about how FieldiView and MyAgData, a cloud-based systems that simplifies acreage reporting, work together.
Recently, Clint Chaffer spoke to Don Bierman and Michelle Tressel from MyAgData for a fun and informative episode of Around the Farm. We encourage you to check out the entire episode, but if you’re short on time (planting is in full swing, after all), we’ve got some quick takeaways from their conversation below.
MyAgData is a cloud-based system that simplifies acreage reporting. Climate customers can use their credentials to authorize flowing their FieldView data into MyAgData, which then formats the information to meet the reporting requirements of your FSA office, crop insurance companies, and the USDA.
The average time a 1500-acre grower spends working on getting their acreage reports done annually.
Farmers who reported using MyAgData with precision ag data saw, on average, 4.7% fewer acres reported. That increased accuracy mea
MyAgData is the only third party that has access to the USDA Clearinghouse. That means when Climate customers flow their FieldView
Just imagine if you had to file your tax returns with a No. 2 lead pencil. You complete all the forms and hand that paper tax return to another person. Then that person has to key it all into another system. Imagine all the errors you’d run into, all the inefficiencies. That’s what the manual process for acreage reporting is like. And on top of that, farmers also have to do the same process again with their crop insurance specialists.
MyAgData has modernized that process, and when you have accounts with FieldView and MyAgData, your information flows seamlessly between the two systems — you just have to allow the connection.
Remember, you only have to provide the same information that you would have historically provided on a paper form. MyAgData automatically pulls in data twice daily and the grower doesn't have to do anything. That twice-daily connection feeds data from your FieldView Plus account into MyAgData, which creates the required documents for acreage reporting. No more pencils and paper maps.
Let’s say something happens in the field and a mistake is made somewhere — the GPS cut out, for example. The grower has the option to go back to the standard CLU boundaries, or they can also make manual corrections to the machine data that came in, all on a field-by-field basis.
Just as FieldView and MyAgData are making electronic acreage reporting faster, easier and more accurate, electronic production reporting is going to be much more effective and efficient than throwing rocks at your grain bin to guess how much is in there.
Michelle and Don are excited about creating awareness around the use of electronic production reporting because farmers already have the same set of tools and the same set of information sources, so the transition from manual to electronic reporting for production can be seamless.
MyAgData has been working alongside the USDA—and FieldView—since 2015. Today, more farmers than ever are utilizing FieldView on their farms, and MyAgData is another example of how investing in technology partners can solve age-old issues and provide crucial payoffs.
You can find out more about MyAgData at their website, or right here on our partner page. And be sure to check out Clint’s entire conversation with Michelle and Don on Around the Farm.