Aug 17, 2024 | 3 min read

Fast, Stable, Secure. Meet Drive 2.0

The FieldView Drive 2.0 can send seed scripts without a thumb drive, has built-in GPS, offers faster data syncing and compatibility with a wider range of equipment.

Chances are there’s a smartphone within arm’s reach of you right now. Think about how much faster it is than the one you owned two, three years ago. Consumer hardware and software are constantly improving. It should be the same for the critical equipment you use to gather what is increasingly your most valuable crop: data.


Since 2016, our FieldView™ Drive has been the digital hub of your in-cab set up. It has helped make Climate FieldView™ the leader in data collection and visualization. But we don’t rest on our laurels. As a division of Bayer, we are committed to providing next-gen tech wherever you need it most, and I’m excited to announce the upcoming launch of FieldView Drive 2.0, a huge step forward in both processing power and data storage. Let’s look at what that means for your operation.

Animation that says "a huge step forward in both processing power and data storage".

Three Key Benefits

Gather Data More Securely and Offload it Faster

You can’t act on data you don’t gather. With greater storage capacity, Drive 2.0 ensures you don’t miss any of the data that’s coming off your fields. Even if you or one of your operators forgets the tablet, Drive 2.0 will still store data until you get reconnected. And when you’re done for the day, the souped-up processing power lets you offload data in a matter of minutes, not hours. Again, this just means your data gets where it needs to be, when it needs to be there.

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Maintain a Stable Connection Throughout the Busiest Periods

The improved hardware and Bluetooth connection create a more stable data collection environment. This is critical because in the heat of the moment, the last thing you want to do is stop to fuss with equipment. Drive 2.0 helps your connections remain solid throughout long days in the cab, ensuring your data is getting into the cloud solution that’s critical for analysis, sharing and script delivery.

Make Equipment Set-Up Easier, Cheaper and More Compatible

There are two types of GPS communication protocols: CAN and SPI, or “serial.” FieldView Drive 1.0 does not have the internal ability to convert serial GPS to CAN, so some users need to add converters to their cabs. It’s a modest expense, but it means more cables, more set-up time and reduced flexibility, Drive 2.0 solves this problem. Just like the original, it plugs directly into your CAN diagnostic port. However, Drive 2.0 has the ability to convert serial GPS internally, meaning you no longer need additional equipment. As well as improving the quality of GPS data, the easier set-up means your Drive 2.0 can move seamlessly between cabs of all types and brands in a matter of seconds, with secure, stable hookups. It’s built for your future flexibility, and it’s also backward compatible. It will work on all the equipment you have today, and almost anything you might use tomorrow.

Animation that says "better data is better insights".

Next-gen tech to drive next-gen action

The real value of better data is better insights, whether those insights come from you or a trusted advisor. And the ultimate value of insights is the actions it allows you to take. Often, all of this has to happen under intense pressure and ever-changing conditions. Environments like this are where Drive 2.0 can make a huge difference.


Imagine the following scenario. You are headed out in a planter with a certain hybrid in the hopper and a seeding script on your tablet. You’re halfway to a particular field when the rain hits. Suddenly, everything changes.


With Drive 2.0, you can transfer prescriptions live in the cab. That means someone can write you a new script, send it to you while you still have the hybrid in the planter, and you can head to a new field and take action without having to waste time or follow a plan that’s no longer optimal.


Look, you own your data. But if you choose to share it with a trusted advisor—a rep, agronomist or even your landlord—you want that data to be comprehensive and you want it delivered in a timely manner so you can take advantage of any advice you get back.


Simply put: Drive 2.0 lets you get your data where you want it in a timely manner so you can take action that makes the most of your inputs, time and opportunities.

Animation that says "new features on the horizon".

Launching at Farm Progress in August

We’ll be unveiling Drive 2.0 at the Farm Progress show in Boone, Iowa from August 27-29, 2024. Come by our booth or connect with your dealer to learn more.

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