Climate FieldView™ Drive & Drive 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions
Commonly asked questions about the FieldView™ Drive and Drive 2.0 (FAQ)
Are FieldView™ Drive and Drive 2.0 compatible with iOS™ and Android™ devices?
Currently, the FieldView™ Drive is compatible with both iOS™ and Android™ devices, while Drive 2.0 is currently only compatible with iOS™ devices.
Can I use the same FieldView™ Drive or Drive 2.0 on my planter and my combine?
Yes, the same FieldView™ Drive or Drive 2.0 can be used across different equipment (planter, sprayer, combine) as long as the equipment is not operating at the same time. If the equipment will be in operation at the same time, a separate Drive will need to be used.
Will the FieldView™ Drive or Drive 2.0 need to be reconnected every time it is used?
- After you have connected to a FieldView™ Drive or Drive 2.0 with your iPad® device, the Drive device will automatically reconnect when you are within range.
- For the original FieldView™ Drive, if you are trying to connect a Drive that is currently connected to another iPad® device, your drive will slowly flash blue. To avoid this, make sure additional or past devices are disconnected from the Drive before you attempt to start a new data session.
- For FieldView™ Drive 2.0, if your Drive 2.0 is connected to another mobile device, but not currently in a data session, the status indicator will slowly flash blue attempting to connect to the previous device. To avoid this, ensure that additional or past mobile devices are disconnected from the FieldView™ Drive 2.0 before you attempt to start a new data session via the device settings.
Will a FieldView™ Drive device drain my machine battery?
- The Climate FieldView™ Drive uses the machine's power directly and only powers on when the machine is turned on. It will not drain the machine battery.
Do FieldView™ Drive devices need batteries?
- The FieldView™ Drive and Drive 2.0 use the tractor’s power directly and do not use batteries.
Are there special instructions for general care of a FieldView™ Drive device?
- Handle your FieldView™ Drive or Drive 2.0 with care. FieldView™ Drive devices are made of metal and plastic and have sensitive electronic components inside. Both Drive devices can be damaged if dropped, burned, punctured, or crushed, or if it comes in contact with liquid. Do not attempt to disassemble or repair a Drive device by yourself, as tampering with the device will void the warranty. Keep the Drive away from sources of liquid such as drinks, puddles, and coolers. Protect the Drive from dampness or wet weather such as rain, snow and fog. If your Drive device is damaged, malfunctions, or comes in contact with liquid, contact Climate LLC support.
Does the FieldView™ Drive or Drive 2.0 need periodic software updates?
- Automatic over-the-air software updates allow us to add features and improve performance, making your FieldView™ Drive or Drive 2.0 as upgradable as your phone. For the original FieldView Drive, the FieldView™ Cab app will automatically manage the Drive upgrade process for you via the Bluetooth connection. No prompts will occur, but your machine must be idle with no CAN traffic.
For FieldView Drive 2.0, the FieldView™ Cab app will automatically manage the Drive upgrade process for you via a WiFi connection, but requires the user to accept prompting when an update is available. Instructions can be found here.
I run older equipment that is not equipped with a CAN bus. Can I still benefit from the FieldView™ Drive?
- Yes. We have options for equipment that do not support CAN bus or ISOBUS communication. We have a mapping kit that can create a CAN GPS signal to the FieldView™Drive or Drive 2.0. With a GPS message, you have the option to run all equipment types besides harvesters as an incompatible rate controller. This allows you to manually assign a rate to the equipment type to create an as-applied layer on the fly.
If there is a problem with the FieldView™ Drive device, will it keep me from planting or harvesting?
- No. The system passively monitors the data flowing on the CAN bus. It does not control any aspect of the tractor, planter or combine. If there is a malfunction, there is no interruption in planting or harvesting operations.
Am I able to share my Drive 2.0 between multiple FieldView™ accounts?
- Technically, all FieldView™ Drive devices are built as a one-to-one relationship with their associated FieldView accounts. However, we understand in certain situations this may be a desire. If you decide to connect your Drive 2.0 between multiple accounts, you will be prompted to reset the device to factory settings. During this reset any data which has not been properly offloaded to the originating account will be lost*. We encourage users to ensure proper offload before leaving the field after completing any operation activity.
*Note: Data which is deleted from the FieldView™ device without being properly offloaded is non-recoverable and the user will be required to upload their OEM data via the Data Inbox.
We do not recommend sharing the original FieldView™ Drive between accounts as it could result in data loss.
How to get FieldView™ Drive Support?
- If you experience issues with your FieldView™ Drive or Drive 2.0, there are multiple options for getting support.
- You can call support is at +1.888.924.7475.
- You can email at Be sure to include a username/email, phone number and be sure to describe your issue.
- You can also file a help-ticket through the FieldView™ Cab app
- Choose Help > Contact Support
- Enter a Contact Phone Number
- Select Product Requiring Support
- Describe Your Problem
- Submit Ticket
NOTE: Remember you need an internet connection.
Once you submit a ticket, someone from the Support Team will reach out to you via email or the phone number that was provided.
Your patience is appreciated during planting and harvest season when volume is higher. Our team is committed to getting to your calls and tickets as soon as possible.