What is a good deal? In its simplest form, it’s gaining more value out of a good or service than you originally paid. When you purchase or lease a farm, you enter into it, hoping the person selling or renting the land has undervalued their asset. Using data to measure property value has long been a staple in commercial and residential real estate. Many factors can affect the financial performance and value of a property – and farmland is no different. Ag-Analytics is providing solutions that closely measure the profitability of every acre. Their product ProfitLayers® uses your precision data to generate profit maps and perform advanced profit ROI analysis. You can measure by crop hybrid, application spray, custom management zones, and more. Ag-Analytics also equips farmers with historical data on soil health, elevation, and crop history to better evaluate the potential of farmland. By looking at non-traditional data points and analyzing for ROI, Ag-Analytics tools and services help you gain the upper hand in boosting your field profitability.