Mar 16, 2018 | 4 min read

Farm Data Working Together: FieldView™ Equipment Compatibility

Equipment Compatibility Is Key for In-Cab Data Visualization

Recently, I was traveling with a dealer and helping his customers prepare for one of the most important times of year - planting season. Many of the farmers I speak with are just getting their feet wet with digital agriculture. However, I also talk to a lot of farmers who realize that making sure their Climate FieldView™ platform accounts are connected and ready is just as important as verifying their hybrids are loaded, and their tractors and planters are ready to roll and collect planting data.

One farmer told me that it was really apparent to him that if you don’t gather quality planting data when you hit the fields, you’re not going to have the data you need at harvest to see how your hybrids performed. I could not have said it better. The truth is, your investment in the Climate FieldView platform and other digital agriculture tools can only increase profitability on your farm if your equipment is properly connected and you are collecting quality data.

Equipment Compatibility Is Key for In-Cab Data Visualization

To get the benefits of easy data collection, storage and visualization as you pass through your fields, your equipment must be compatible with your digital agriculture tool. Many of you have different color tractors, combines and other equipment on your fields, and you need a solution that easily brings data from all those sources together. That’s why at FieldView, we are constantly working behind the scenes to maximize compatibility. FieldView™ Drive, our in-cab hardware device that connects a farmer’s equipment to his iPad® mobile device for data collection, is compatible with:

Helpful Resources Before You Hit The Fields for Spring Planting

As you head into planting season, it is of course important that your GPS system is set up and calibrated properly, your iPad® mobile device is updated with the latest iOS operating system, your seed prescriptions are exported, and your hybrids are loaded.

There are also plenty of additional resources to make sure you are ready:

  • The Climate FieldView platform 2018 webinar series is accessible online and features guidance and details on seasonal topics throughout the year.
  • Jeff Hamlin, the Director of Learning and Development at Climate LLC, talks about the FieldView webinar series and other training resources in a podcast episode – listen now!
  • Check out our pre-planting checklist to make sure your FieldView™ account is ready!
  • If you have additional questions, feel free to contact your Climate dealer, or the Climate Support Team at (888) 924-7475 or

I wish you a successful and safe planting season – and beyond!


Corwin Spaetti, Senior Product Manager, Equipment Compatibility, Climate LLC

In his role at Climate LLC, Cory is focused on helping farmers and dealers connect, and stay connected, to FieldView™ and its resources, so they have data to make the best decisions throughout the year. Prior to joining Climate, he served as a grain farmer, solutions architect, platform manager, product marketing manager and senior international purchasing engineer. Cory holds an agricultural engineering degree from Purdue University.

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