Name |
Domain |
function |
Expiration |
Owner |
_ga | |
Google Analytics data used to anonymously distinguish unique users and throttle refresh rates. Full privacy policy can be found here: |
2 years |
Climate |
_gat | |
Google Analytics data used to anonymously distinguish unique users and throttle refresh rates. Full privacy policy can be found here: |
1 minute |
Climate |
_gid | |
Google Analytics data used to anonymously distinguish unique users and throttle refresh rates. Full privacy policy can be found here: |
1 day |
Climate |
_distillery | |
Used by our streaming service through Wistia, _distillery stores playback location to restore video state in the event client connection or server stream is interrupted |
1 year |
Climate |
hideCookieNotification | |
Used to identify if a user has accepted the cookie notification banner, this cookie expires with the user session when browser is closed. |
Session |
Climate |
muxData | |
Used by our streaming service through Wistia, muxData stores file relationships for multiplexing different types of data into a single FFmpeg presentation stream |
20 years |
Climate |
Used to distinguish users and process requests on our site, this functional cookie expires with the user session the browser is closed. |
Session |
Climate |