Fast, Stable, Secure. Meet Drive 2.0
The FieldView Drive 2.0 can send seed scripts without a thumb drive, has built-in GPS, offers faster data syncing and compatibility with a wider range of equipment.
As I’ve logged countless miles across the Midwest, one insight I have gained is that every farm, and every farmer, is different.
As I’ve logged countless miles across the Midwest, one insight I have gained is that every farm, and every farmer, is different. The farmers I work with have incredible work ethics and share the same goals of high yields and profitability, but they also have unique perspectives and ways of doing things. With so many variables to consider throughout the year – picking the right seed variety, seed placement, soil nutrients and inputs, and even the weather – they are constantly looking for confirmation that the choices they make throughout the year are paying off.
One common question I receive during harvest is, “What will I do with all of this data I am collecting?” If you have the same question, I will first tell you it is very important to make sure your harvest data and planting data are properly loaded into your FieldView™ account. Once this is accomplished, it opens the door to FieldView yield analysis tools that give you instant access to data you can use to make confident decisions.
You may have watched this video in which northeastern Illinois farmer Scott Friestad discusses how FieldView brings value to his operation by using yield analysis to measure how his inputs impacted yield.
Another compelling example of how a farmer analyzes yield is Brad Tolson of Tolson Grain & Livestock, Inc., a farmer I work with in Laredo, Mo. Brad runs many field trials and uses FieldView to easily implement and analyze them.
“A few of the things we are looking at this year are hybrid and variety comparisons, ILeVO®, and top dress nitrogen at different rates,” said Brad. “In previous years, we’ve looked at planting population, Nemastrike™, inoculants, and in-season applications of fungicides and insecticides. Using yield analysis to assess these and other best management practices in big areas of our fields versus small strips has really converted our whole farm into a testing ground and gives us confidence we are adopting the practices that will give us the most return on investment,” he said. “Collecting yield information with FieldView lets us dive into the data quickly and makes using yield analysis easy.”
What will you do with that valuable harvest data you gather? With insightful yield analysis features, FieldView can help you answer critical questions such as:
How can I begin to utilize my harvest data?
Did my input decisions deliver value?
How can I manage field variability?
Create a Field Region Report simply by drawing over the top of a field map image to select a specific region within your field to review your harvest performance data.
How can I make it easier to collaborate with farm partners and agronomy advisors?
The data you gather at harvest can play a key role in helping you make informed decisions both now and next year. I encourage you to explore the benefits of yield analysis - and best of luck in the fields! If you have any questions, contact your Climate dealer, the Climate Support Team at (888) 924-7475 or support@climate.com.