Make the Most of Your Field Data

Data Privacy
Your Farm. Your Data.

At FieldView™, your data privacy is our priority. You own your data, we don’t sell it, and you control how it’s shared. You decide who can access your scouting, prescription, and harvest data—whether it’s dealers, agronomists, or others enhancing your farm productivity.

Learn more about our commitment to your privacy in our Privacy Statement FAQ.

Choose Who & When to Share Your Data

Farmers can share data based on their specific needs and relationships. For example:

  • Share certain fields with specific reps, like Channel or Pioneer, depending on the seed being used.
  • Provide limited access to landlords for individual fields.
  • Grant full access to family members managing the operation.

Data sharing can be tailored: choose specific fields, with or without yield data. If data is turned on, you can share detailed information about seeding rate, application rate and any field trials. You can also send pins to agronomists and field reps to highlight areas that need attention or corrective action.


What Data Can Be Shared?

Maximize Your Farm’s Potential with Data Sharing

You want to know how an input performs on as many different farms, soil types, and climates as possible. When you share your field data, your field rep and dealer can create prescriptions that are tailored not just to your zip code, but to your individual field zones. 

Sharing data not only boosts your current crop yield but also fosters innovation to enhance future yields. By understanding input performance across diverse farms, soils, and climates, Bayer Crop Science develops better seeds and prescriptions tailored to your field zones—helping improve future yield performance and profitability.

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Fieldview 301 Overview