FieldView Seed Scripts

FieldView Seed Scripts technology combines your historical field data and our research-based science to provide you with a seed prescription that matches your profitability goals. You can get a prescription on nearly any seed brand in the industry, and in available regions, you have the flexibility to use satellite imagery or historical yield data to more accurately identify management zones for your prescription.

  • Login to your Fieldview account.
  • Then select the field for which you want to write the seed prescription.
  • Then, click on the Prescriptions tab.
  • On the next screen, you can select “Fertility” or “Planting” (choose Planting).
  • And click on “+Create New Prescription”.
  • On the next screen choose Corn (only corn is available at this time for advanced seed prescriptions), then select “Advanced Planting Prescription”.
  • The next screen provides the ability to deselect yield or imagery data layers. Maybe there was a year that was an anomaly or inaccurate historical data was captured for that year. In those cases, you probably want to deselect. This is not a necessary step to create your prescription, so if you decide all data looks good, move on to the next step without deselecting.


NOTE: In order to create an advanced seed prescription using historical yield data, the field must have two years of yield data, one of which must be corn. In order to create an advanced seed prescription with imagery, users must have a field in a region where three years of historical imagery is available. One of those years must be identified as a corn crop.

FieldView Seed Scripts selecting historical fields
  • Next, you’ll be directed to enter your planting plan data, including planting date, hybrid (must type in full name — for example, DEKALB as opposed to DKC), target yield, cost of your seed, and estimated grain price at the time you will sell your seed. After entering this information, click “Next”.
  • FieldView automatically creates optimal management zones, population rate and bushels per acre based on your historical field data.
  • You’ll also notice a slider bar at the top right. This slider bar allows you to see what happens when you increase or decrease your investment based on population rate so you get the most bang for your buck. You can also modify other inputs in this view — target yield, seed cost grain price or number of zones — and FieldView will save those scenarios for you to review against the original recommendation.
Review FieldView Seed Script
  • Once you are finished with this screen, click “Finish in Editor”.
  • This screen allows you to make final tweaks to your prescription before saving.
  • Once you are satisfied with your prescription, click “Save”, then “Done”. This prescription will automatically be sent to the FieldView Cab app for execution in your field.


For additional details on creating FieldView Seed Scripts, click here.

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Advanced Data Capture Options

Additional ways to capture data that might fit your specific needs.

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