Writing manual fertility scripts is simple using our easy-to-use prescription tools. Just follow these steps and you’re on your way to saving time and improving your productivity.
Manual Fertility Prescriptions
Login to your Fieldview account.
Select the field for which you want to write the fertility prescription.
Then, click on the Prescriptions tab.
On the next screen, you can select “Fertility” or “Planting” (choose Fertility).
Click “+Create New Prescription”.
On the next screen, click “Start” to start your manual fertility prescription.
Similar to seed prescriptions, you will have zones from which to choose. Select your management zone, and click "Next".
The next page contains your inputs. Enter when you want to execute your prescription and fertilizer type, and give your prescription a unique name in the Prescription filename text box. Once you’ve completed these steps, click “Finish in Editor”.
The next screen will bring up your map and management zones. Enter your target product rate for each zone and click “Save”, then “Done”. This prescription will automatically be sent to the FieldView Cab app for execution in your field.
For additional details on exporting your manual fertility prescriptions to John Deere or your equipment of choice, click here.
Up Next
FieldView Seed Scripts
Your historical field data and our research-based science to provide you with a seed prescription that matches your profitability goals.